Starting with Ruby on Rails [v6]- Part 1


Esteban Campos / October 30, 2020

4 min read––– views

The last time that I had done something with RoR was more than five years ago. Let's see what it's different. I'm currently following this great tutorial. The first part of this serie is focus on requirements and how to start locally a project on ruby on rails.

Table of Contents#

Pre-requisites (iOS)#

1. Install xcode

xcode-select --install

2. Install brew

/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"

3. Instal rbenv

To handle easily multiple environments, we are going to use rbenv.

brew install rbenv

3.1 Add rbenv to the PATH

Load rbenv automatically by appending the following to ~/.bash_profile:

eval "$(rbenv init -)"

Later on, you can activate inmediately rbenv:

source ~/.bash_profile

3.2 Install target version

For version 6 of Ruby on Rails is recommended ruby>=2.6.

rbenv install 2.6.6
rbenv rehash        # Installs shims for all Ruby executables known to rbenv
rbenv global 2.6.6  # Set global version

3.3 (Optional) Configuring to skip the installation of Ruby documentation.

\$ echo "gem: --no-document" >> ~/.gemrc

With that configuration, any uses of gem install <gem name> to install Ruby gems will automatically be svelte, streamlined, and documentation-free.

4. Install yarn

Internally Ruby on Rails requires yarn.

brew install yarn

*5. Install heroku (optional) This step is optional. But, it gives a good glimpse of how easy is to deploy to production and it's good to take notice about differences between environments. Especifically, due the default database is sqlite.

brew tap heroku/brew && brew install heroku

Install Ruby on Rails#

gem install rails -v

That would generate a Gemfile. We have some fixed versions for ruby and rails, so it should have at least these dependencies:

source ""
git_source(:github) { |repo| "{repo}.git" }

ruby "2.6.6"
gem "rails", ""

Start a new project#

It's possible to create a new project specifying a specific rails version:

rails _6.0.3.4_ new project_name

This command will generate the following file structure:

app/Core application (app) code, including models, views, controllers, and helpers
app/assetsApplications assets such as Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) and images
bin/Binary executable files
config/Application configuration
db/Database files
doc/Documentation for the application
lib/Library modules
log/Application log files
public/Data accessible to the public (e.g., via web browsers), such as error pages
bin/railsA program for generating code, opening console sessions, or starting a local server
test/Application tests
tmp/Temporary files
README.mdA brief description of the application
GemfileGem requirements for this app
Gemfile.lockA list of gems used to ensure that all copies of the app use the same gem versions
config.ruA configuration file for Rack middleware
.gitignorePatterns for files that should be ignored by Git

Run server#

Then, the only missing part is hit the command to run the server: rails server.

Run the project on Heroku#

Ruby on Rails and Heroku are buddies and it is easy to use them together but it is necessary to modify the gem sqlite3 due Heroku doesn't support SQLite database:

group :production do
  gem 'pg', '1.2.3'

group :development, :test do
  # other gems
  gem 'sqlite3', '1.4.2'

Now, it's recommended to install just the necessary gems to each environment, in development we need:

bundle install --without production

Let's create the project in Heroku

heroku create

And let's push the project to keroku:

git push heroku master


There are some shortcuts for each command.

Full commandShortcut
rails serverrails s
rails console rails c
rails generate rails g
rails testrails t
bundle install bundle

Other tips#

To uninstall all the gems

gem uninstall -aIx
